Ryan Croman is a 3rd-grader at Columbia Grammar and Preparatory School in Manhattan. When he’s not at school, Ryan loves playing sports and spending time with his friends. A real athlete, Ryan excels at soccer, basketball, and tennis. In June, Ryan will return to the coed sleepaway camp in Maine for his third consecutive summer. Ryan plans to involve the Eddie Croman Fund in a mitzvah project of his own design when he becomes a Bar Mitzvah in the year 2020.
Along his with brother Adam in December 2016, Ryan Croman traveled to Angkor Wat, Cambodia, where he spent his Christmas vacation volunteering at a grammar school in the ancient, historic city situated in Cambodia’s northern province of Siem Reap. In addition to purchasing school supplies to donate to local students at the resource-deprived school, Ryan used his time in the late afternoon and early evening hours of his trip to play games with the students at school.